Saturday, July 23, 2011

oh. oh yeah, I remember now... I had a blog.
ahem, have.
I have a blog.
yesterday was my first day off in the month of July... and I'm still broke. go figure.
rather than a long list of all the awesomeness I've been creating, but rather share a few morsels.
my girlfriend (finally!) lives in the same city as me! so much love and gratitude.
trying really hard to keep positive about a few aspects of my life, and sometimes this is tough, but really what is bringing me around these days is the ideal I have created with this project.
I have started being grateful at each meal and really taking the time to enjoy my food.
I have started thanking the sun... just saying thanks in a variety of ways when I feel the urge...
Sending gratitude to people I miss, or intentionally loving people and sending them good energy, even if I am in a room with them.
I've realized there's no such things as perfect... I'm gonna be grumpy, or whatever non-happy state of being sometimes, but my ability to pull myself out of those has grown immensely from the Love and Gratitude I've been feeling this year.
So much love, ya'll.

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