Monday, April 18, 2011

I love myself. I love having this blog.
I've got eleven days worth of lovin' to talk about.
1. I love the song "Endlessly" by Green River Ordinance... I have been listening on repeat (gratitude to the roomies for putting up with this)!
2. I love moving on... sounds bitter, but I love the moment when thoughts or feelings unquestionably need to be dropped. Making decisions for the better feels good to me.
3. I love embracing where I am... not actually contradictory to the last statement. I love recognizing just how amazing the people in my life are.
4. I love being inspired by others' arts... I've been drawing a lot of inspiration from Andrea Gibson's poetry and tattoo culture.
5. I love the smell of bon fires... and they are a burnin'! Happy Spring Time (for real)! I sat outside today while doing some homework specifically to smell the fire burning somewhere nearby.
6. I love being ridiculous. I don't always realize how ridiculous I am, but I love my oddities.
7. I love roller derby, have I mentioned this recently?
8. I love my girlfriend... I could go on forever (or Endlessly) about her. I'll stick to how lucky I am to have such a wonderful person in my life.
9. I love little celebrations--I am definitely trying for more of these in my life.
10. I love protesting. Nothing like exercising that good ol' right to free speech.
11. I love free books. I don't understand this, but seems like once or twice a semester a department at my university decides it has "too many" books. This semester's find: Spanish instructor's manuals!

So much love! And to all the beautiful chaos in my world right now: Gratitude!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

6 days?! ...I'd thought it had been, like, two.
Oh well, time flies when you are having... fun?
Seriously, though, I'm doing well.
I keep talking about chaos and peace, and how I can't really seem to find balance...
I think my lack of balance comes from how I view my world.
That being said, I'm starting to see my life like an ocean, and chaos and peace as the waves.
I can't really stop 'em, and frankly it's silly for me to try.
What I can do however is learn to ride the waves...
(That's right! I'm going for a surfing metaphor!)
The more I resist the waves, the more off balance I feel.
The more I settle in with the waves, the more stable I feel.
Okay, okay, so this is all real easy to say and not so easy to act on, and I get that.
BUT I think it's a good image, and I'm a visual learner.
I'm also a hands on learner--perhaps some sea salt is in order?
...Or at least bath salts (I like where this is going)!
Anyway, a list:
1. I love my life.
2. I love the chaos.
3. I love the peace.
4. I love waves.
5. I love bath salts.
6. I love the image of me learning to surf... perhaps a goal for the summer? Lake Superior surfing is supposed to be pretty rad, although, quite cold...
Gratitude to all!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Well, hello sketch book! ...No this has nothing to do with April Fool's Day.
I LOVE creating art. Sometimes the best action for me to take on an issue is to sit and draw what I am feeling: I find that so much of my life can be connected together in this way. When I start to draw one idea, many more ideas come together. I love how this works in my brain, even though I don't really understand.
I'm grateful for me, my brain and my sketch book...
maybe someday I'll show you some of my sketches. maybe.
Love and Gratitude!