This has been quite the month: many new accomplishments and many new ideas.
I'm pleased to say that while I have not been posting, I have kept the practice of loving and being grateful every day. I think this attitude has changed how I see... the world? That sounds far too woo-woo. What I mean to say is that I have started interrupting negative thoughts to concentrate on what is important. I have been asking myself "Do I really want to spend this energy being pissed off?" And sometimes the answer is yes, but what I have noticed, more often than not, is that I have much better thoughts in my head.
Being an athlete (what?!), I have come to realize how invaluable this kind of attitude is. Keeping my cool and loving the sport, and the people I'm sharing it with, is really my best asset right now as a player. My team is great, and this is something we are all working on, and I love it!
I also love thinking of myself as an athlete. When I was younger, my dad coached basketball, so I of course had to play. I was bad; I got the ball stolen from me by girls on my own team. I remember when I called my dad to tell him that I had finally joined a sport, he was surprised. And even more surprised when I said that I play roller derby. May marks my eighth month with the team, and I am learning every day.
I'm thrilled with how much I have grown. I have played in my first two bouts in the last month--I couldn't stand on skates when I started. The journey is where the joy is, and I am loving all of it!
With all of that in mind, I give you 28 days of lovin' and gratitude fresh off the griddle!
1. I love waking up with enough time to not be in a rush.
2. I love breakfast.
3. I love my team. They all inspire me to be a better person and skater--so much gratitude to all of them!
4. I love dancing.
5. I love pushing myself.
6. I love sharing poetry with others.
7. I love making people laugh.
8. I love laughing.
9. I love making new friends!
10. I love living with love and gratitude every day.
11. I still love the idea of learning to surf.
12. I love making lists (no, really?).
13. I love writing.
14. I love giving myself space... My mom always says "Don't beat yourself up--that's everybody else's job." I love that. No matter what, somebody is going to not like what I am doing, so I might as well support me.
15. I love tattoos.
16. I love people coming together across boundaries.
17. I love loving people.
18. I am grateful for the amazing people in my life right now. So much love.
19. I love thinking of my five best friends (or my five gems, as I like to call them!) as a constellation.
20. I love people getting involved in their communities.
21. I love that I am still drawing.
22. I love random adventures.
23. I love being responsible.
24. I am grateful for all the support I have been getting from the people in my world recently! Love to you all!
25. I love glitter--I think there needs to be more of it in my world!
26. I love me. Boom!
27. I am grateful for my new job!
28. I love learning.
Love and Gratitude, ya'll!
To 2011!
You are beautiful, and I'm so happy for you. AND I love making lists too!