Today gets a double-decker posting.
I was asked at work yesterday what I was going to do after I graduate from college, and my answer went a little something like this:
"Um... play roller derby and write poetry."
Oh good. Sounds promising.
I hadn't really articulated that before
(or not in that order, anyway. And definitely not as the primary answers... ).
I usually come up with something like
"I plan on working for non-profits or NGOs to end all forms of violence."
The poetry is a secondary thought.
And roller derby... well, I feel like I'm in third grade and she just moved here from out of town and got sat in the desk right next to me and so we're insta-besties.
I'm actually pretty amused by how quickly roller derby has become a big part of my life.
A question I have had the same answer to for a while is
What do you love?
The ready-response is:
"I love people and words. The rest is secondary."
I'm tacking on roller derby.
To people and words and roller derby.
To love and gratitude.
To 2011.
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