Saturday, January 1, 2011

January First... the First of Many, and an Introduction of Sorts.

I am setting out with quite a daunting task ahead of me: a year of love and gratitude. This started from an idea out of a class; the title was "Mothering and Motherhood: Institution and Experience," and what I learned was how much my mom rocks. After a tough year in 2010, I wanted to make my mom a gift. I don't like living in a different place than my mom, but the fact is I am very happy living where I am (which is two hours away from my mom).
I know my mom's aware that I love her, but I wanted a way to have her feel that love everyday. And so I made her a calendar. Thinking of 365 ways I love my mom got me thinking: I spend a lot of time not loving and being ungrateful.
For someone so keen on self-love and happiness I haven't really been living my talk. I spend a lot of time pissed off and complaining.
So here's the goal: to make 2011 a year of love and gratitude (call it a resolution for the New Year if you want).
Each day I will set aside time to love.
I intend to post about what I love each day.
I want to inspire myself and others to take the time to consciously love and be grateful.
This seems more simple than I anticipated, but that's okay. I think there's something to be said for positive energy getting sent into the air. There isn't enough positive energy just for the sake of happiness, and I think any love being expressed is good.
So this is a challenge to myself, and you, if you'll take it, to set aside some of each of the coming 365 (or now 364) days for love and gratitude.
Best, Arielle

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